
I’m Priscilla, a Copywriter in The Bahamas

Priscilla Hudson is a multi-dimensional real-life character born to Guatemalan Latin American parents and raised in The Bahamas for over four decades. Her upbringing has woven together two unique cultures and languages, which are inextricably linked to her writing.

With an inquisitive mind, Priscilla delves into world history, human connections, and behaviors. She draws inspiration from both general and personal sources to bring her stories to life on the page.

As a writer, Priscilla faces the ongoing challenge of translating emotions, thoughts, memories, and human experiences into words. Her goal is to ignite the reader’s imagination and touch their soul.

When not immersed in writing, Priscilla is engaged in home office work, her Bahamas real estate involvement, and her personal Christian faith growth.

Additionally, Priscilla is a Bahamas Realtor Broker with over twenty-five years of expertise in the real estate business.

If you’re considering investing in property in the lovely Bahamas Islands or seashores, her skilled team would be delighted to serve you. 

Priscilla’s Work of Fiction:

Priscilla Hudson is also an unrecommended Author who passionately develops stories. Her first work of fiction is deeply impacted by her increased awareness of the existence of children. Through soul-searching, she crafted an inspiring story that resonates with caring and compassionate readers.

Feel free to connect with Priscilla on Facebook or find her on LinkedIn if you’d like to learn more about her journey and work.

My Philosophy



Reflect on prosperity. Synonymous with wealth, affluence, and riches, prosperity is a concept that resonates with humanity. While superficial understanding may grasp its worldly implications, Priscilla dives deeper. She explores the road to prosperity, contemplating its true essence in both material and spiritual terms.


Prosperity in material terms

Refers to having an abundance of possessions or tangible things, such as cars, homes, boats, and other valuable assets. It is often associated with financial wealth and the accumulation of material goods. When we think of material prosperity, we envision a life filled with comfort, luxury, and the ability to acquire and enjoy physical possessions.


Apply prosperity to everyday living

Translating it to everything we do, let this be our aim in tangible and intangible ways, in the life we lead, in the work we do; particularly in the tasks we undertake for others, making every honest effort to understand their want and need, interpreting it in the right light and delivering the yeast in the best form on target to achieve better results.

Your Content is Your Voice

Not just a collection of sentences but—a powerful instrument to connect, engage, and make a meaningful impact. 

Crafting content requires focusing on a subject learning more in depth about it and presenting it clearly and concisely to inform and help someone else. 

Generate Qualified Leads

Increase Email Subscribers

Grow Revenue

Let’s Chat

To explore and find your visual identity

To brain storm ideas, wants and needs

To express through discovery your verbal identity

To decide the best fit

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